W. Gao, D. Hsu, W. Lee, S. Shen, and K. Subramanian. Intention-Net: Integrating planning and deep learning for goal-directed autonomous navigation. In S. Levine and V. V. and K. Goldberg, editors, Conference on Robot Learning, volume 78 of Proc. Machine Learning Research, pages 185–194. 2017.
Author = {W. Gao and D. Hsu and W.S. Lee and S. Shen and K. Subramanian},
Bib2Html_Pubtype = {Refereed Conference and Workshop},
Bib2Html_Rescat = {Deep Learning, Planning and Learning},
Booktitle = {Conference on Robot Learning},
Editor = {S. Levine and V. Vanhoucke andK. Goldberg},
Pages = {185-194},
Series = PMLR,
Title = {Intention-Net: Integrating Planning and Deep Learning for Goal-Directed Autonomous Navigation},
Volume = {78},
Year = {2017}}